On shutting down in the face of trauma re-activation… then trying again.

2020 taught me all the …colorful ways I experience fear, protect myself from it, and learn to find safety.

It’s been most interesting to navigate fears activated by old traumas. This post goes out to my friends struggling to remain anchored in self-reflection when traumas are re-activated, and when everything inside you wants to shut down.

In this note I offer reminders for compassion, tips for returning to safety, and gentle encouragement to stay open (and kind to yourself) throughout the process.

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Jess SongComment
How Do you Process Grief?

How can grieving shift when we seek to name our Love? Even if there is rage, pain, or shame in that Love? Even if what we loved are lost parts of ourselves? Could that help me release my pain differently? Help me understand differently? Close chapters differently? Move on differently?

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